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76 total results found

CyberRisk Rating

Alles, was sie über das CyberRisk Rating by KSV1870 wissen müssen. Everything you need to know about the CyberRisk Rating by KSV1870.

cyber risk rating
risk assessment
risk management
supplier risk management

Compliance Monitor

Nimbusec Compliance Monitor (Project Name Krahken) monitors assets for compliance issues. These can be either of type regulary or business related.


Nimbusec KB

This book includes information about Nimbusec related topics.

knowledge base

Datenschutz Rating (Coming Soon)

Alles, was Sie über das Datenschutz-Rating by KSV1870 wissen müssen. Everything you need to know about the data protection rating by KSV1870.

data protection

DORA Modul

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance Monitor

Detailed description about regulatory compliance, its meaning and the checks behind

Business Compliance

Compliance Monitor

Detailed description about business compliance, its meanings and possibilities for checks that can be accomplished.

How To's

Compliance Monitor

A chapter filled with answers on questions coming up by customers using the compliance monitoring tool

Issues / Violations

Compliance Monitor

This chapter explains various topics around issues or violations that may occur within the compliance monitor.


Nimbusec KB

Information to our Nimbusec API

Server Agent

Nimbusec KB

Additional information about the Nimbusec Server Agent


Nimbusec KB

Getting Started

Nimbusec KB

Understand Nimbusec Results And Alerts

Nimbusec KB


Nimbusec KB

GDPR Export Description

Compliance Monitor

A short description of the spreadshhet supllied at the end of a GDPR project.

Integration Projects

Nimbusec KB


Nimbusec KB

CyberRisk Manager

CyberRisk Rating

Der CyberRisk Manager hat im Wesentlichen die Funktion, einen klaren und leicht nachvollziehbaren Überblick über alle seine Lieferanten zu ermöglichen. Hier werden die einzelnen Punkte der CyberRisk Manager Seite nochmal genau durchgegangen. The CyberRisk Man...

Risikominimierung | Risk management

CyberRisk Rating

Die Risikominimierung dient dazu, internes Risiko für die eigenen Lieferanten individuell festzulegen und notwendige Maßnahmen zu definieren. The Risk Management is used to individually determine internal risks for the company's own suppliers and to define th...

CyberRisk Rating

CyberRisk Rating

Das Cyber Risk Rating ist ein Sicherheitsurteil, das auf einer gründlichen Bewertung des Cybersicherheitsstatus eines Unternehmens basiert. Es misst, wie gut ein Unternehmen in Bezug auf Cybersicherheit abschließt und ob es den angegebenen Anforderungen und St...

Allgemeine Informationen | General information

CyberRisk Rating

Datenschutz Manager

Datenschutz Rating (Coming Soon)

Die Hauptfunktion des Datenschutz-Managers besteht darin, einen einfachen und klaren Überblick über das Datenschutz-Rating jedes eingebundenen Lieferanten zu bieten. Hier werden die einzelnen Punkte der Datenschutz Manager Seite noch einmal genau erläutert. T...

Datenschutz Rating

Datenschutz Rating (Coming Soon)

Das Datenschutz Rating bewertet auf einfache und transparente Weise die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der aktuellen Datenschutzmaßnahmen Ihrer Organisation oder Ihrer Geschäftspartner. The data protection rating assesses the trustworthiness of your organisation's or b...

Renew Assessment - Upload JSON File

CyberRisk Rating


Compliance Monitor

The compliance monitor (codename Krahken) is intended to collect all data from our other products and present them in a unified portal. Additionally it has 2 main purposes:  Adding functionality for Compliance Scans and Analytics Adding functionality for A...

Compliance Monitoring Issues

Compliance Monitor Regulatory Compliance

General Information In the world of website compliance, a lot of differnt compliance violotions can occour. Therefore we decided to make a clear separation of those violations and introduced different violation categories: Regulatory Violations Business V...

Issue Handling

Compliance Monitor Issues / Violations

There are 2 types of actions, that can bei set to resolve issues: Resolve / Acknowledge Ignore Resolve an issue   By resolving an issue, the compliance monitor assumes that the cause has been fixed.  e.g.: If you resolve an issue for a cookie named...

Regulatory vs. Business Compliance

Compliance Monitor

When working with the compliance monitor, you will likely very often see the term "regulatory" or "business" in combination with "compliance".  There is a simple reason for that: Compliance is more complicated than security monitoring.  While security foll...

How To: Reproduce Cookie Violations

Compliance Monitor How To's

    This how-to describes how it is best to reproduce cookie violations, as this is often a very confusing topic. First of all it would be good to know, how exactly our crawler works in this case:  How Nimbusec visits websites The crawler of Nimbusec is te...

Auto Acknowledge

Compliance Monitor Issues / Violations

Issues can be auto acknowledged to simplify the issue handling process by keeping most of the transparency.  What does it do? If there is a rule, that allows e.g. a specific cookie to be set on a website, the issue will be auto acknowledged on our side. Th...

API Documentation

Nimbusec KB API

APIv3 docu:

FQL Documentation

Nimbusec KB API

Installation on Linux

Nimbusec KB Server Agent

Installation This guide describes the installation of the Nimbusec Server Agent. The Server Agent is optional for the function of the product, but improves the detection rate greatly. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to install the Server Agent. Installa...

Installation on Windows

Nimbusec KB Server Agent

This document describes the Install Process of the nimbusec Server Agent under Windows Server 2008 and 2012. The Server Agent adds extended functionality to the nimbsuec service. Installation Download the appropriate version of the Server Agent for your Se...


Nimbusec KB FAQ

Outdated CMS Version The use of an outdated version of a content management system (CMS) can lead to various security issues. A list of known security vulnerabilities sorted by version number can be found in the publicly accessible CVE Details database¹. In m...


Nimbusec KB FAQ

Hatred or Violence Browser plug-ins like WOT [1] allow to evaluate a website by the user, e.g.regarding questionable contents like hate speech, racism or discrimination. Your website has received poor ratings in this category. The result is that the plug-in w...

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Nimbusec KB FAQ

Certificate Legacy Certificates By legacy we mean distrusted certificates. An example from the past is the distrust of the Symantec PKI [1]. The best solution to date is, to replace the existing distrusted certificate with a new one from any Certificate Auth...

Verifying PDF Integrity

Nimbusec KB FAQ

The Cyber Risk Rating Portal issues multiple documents at the end of the rating process for every supplier. The documents are among others the Cyber Risk Rating Certificate which contains the overall rating scores for the supplier along with the WebRisk score ...

Compliance Monitoring Issues

Nimbusec KB FAQ

General Information In the world of website compliance, a lot of differnt compliance violotions can occour. Therefore we decided to make a clear separation of those violations and introduced different violation categories: Regulatory Violations Business V...

Security Header Ratings

Nimbusec KB FAQ

Explanation Security Header Ratings allow an objective assessment about the website's condition in terms of the security of the HTTP response headers. By adding and configuring security headers according to best practices, another layer of security will stren...

What is Discovery?

Nimbusec KB Getting Started

Nimbusec Discovery's Mission Nimbusec Discovery aims to identify all websites related to your organization and perform a passive security analysis by simulating one single website visitor per domain. A Nimbusec Discovery report is an objective, external over...

What is Nimbusec?

Nimbusec KB Getting Started

Nimbusec is a website security monitoring tool that notifies you, when your website was hacked or is in danger. It allows you to react before your customers or your reputation are harmed. Safe: Nimbusec never exposes data of your servers to the cloud, resp...

Alert actions

Nimbusec KB Understand Nimbusec Results And Alerts

Each alert offers the user the ability to perform three different actions: Mark as resolved Mark to ignore Ask for support To trigger one of those actions, click on "Actions" on the top right corner of the relevant issue. Mark as resolved When an a...

Blacklist alerts

Nimbusec KB Understand Nimbusec Results And Alerts

Blacklists are lists of internet addresses that are known for security problems. These lists are maintained by organisations like Google, cybersecurity companies or non-profits who try to warn about "black sheep" within the online community. There are two ways...