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Nimbusec Website Security Monitor Issue Types (Short)


Malware Malicious code fragments are found on a Web page. Typical examples would be, amongst others, credit card skimmers, crypto miners or tech scams.
SEO-Spam If changes on a website are detected while acting as 'googlebot' instead of the default browser agent a warning for suspicious behavior is created
Web Shell
Web Shell
CMS Version An application running on an outdated verrsion has been found on the website
CMS Vulnerable An application with a possible vulnerability has been found on the website
CMS Tampered Core file of WordPress change and are only generated by Nimbusec's server agent. However, Nimbusec cannot not distinguish between legitimate and malicious changes.
TLS Protocol Unsafe TLS protocol allowed in configuration
TLS Ciphersuite Unsafe TLS cipher allowed in configuration
TLS Sigalg Outdated hash algorithm was used in the creation of the certificate
TLS Notrust Untrasted root certificate
TLS Hostname Hostname or alternative name does not match the certificate
TLS Expires The TLS certificate will expire soon or has already expired
TLS Legacy Symantec legacy certificate in use
TLS Misconfigured Chain The received certificate chain was incomplete or misconfigured
TLS Revoked Cert The certificate was revoked
No HTTPS Redirect HTTP website does not redirect to HTTPS
Defacement The visual appearance of a website was changed to distribute social, political or just for fun messages to the visitor
Content Violation Changes of the content of a Web page are detected. These change may be intended by the website owner or may be the result of a malicious attack. However, Nimbusec does not distinguish between legitimate and malicious changes.


Blacklist The domain which is subject to review is found on blacklists monitored by Nimbusec