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Agent Configuration

This how-to describes the manual configuration of the Server Agent

# Known Limitation

Please note: The upload size of the analysis result is limited to 750MB. To ensure consistency of results, the data will not be analysed if the limit is exceeded.

All errors of the agent, including https communication with the Nimbusec API will be printed to the terminal.

# Format
The format of the Server Agent configuration must be in valid JSON. Otherwise the SErver Agent will fail to start. This can be tested with [JSON Lint](

An example configuration looks like:

## Single domain configuration
_agent.conf (Linux)_
"key": "abc",
"secret": "abc",
"tmpfile": "hashes.txt",
"domains": {
"": "/var/www/"
"excludeDir": [ ],
"excludeRegexp": [ ],
"includeDir": [ ],
"includeRegexp": [ ],
"apiserver": ""

_agent.conf (Windows)_
"key": "abc",
"secret": "abc",
"tmpfile": "hashes.txt",
"domains": {
"": "C:\\iis\\"
"excludeDir": [ ],
"excludeRegexp": [ ],
"includeDir": [ ],
"includeRegexp": [ ],
"apiserver": ""

## Multi domain configuration

_agent.conf (Linux)_
"key": "abc",
"secret": "abc",
"tmpfile": "hashes.txt",
"domains": {
"": "/var/www/",
"": "/var/www/"
"excludeDir": [ ],
"excludeRegexp": [ ],
"includeDir": [ ],
"includeRegexp": [ ],
"apiserver": ""

_agent.conf (Windows)_
"key": "abc",
"secret": "abc",
"tmpfile": "hashes.txt",
"domains": {
"": "C:\\iis\\",
"": "C:\\iis\\"
"excludeDir": [ ],
"excludeRegexp": [ ],
"includeDir": [ ],
"includeRegexp": [ ],
"apiserver": ""

| Field | Description |
| --- | --- |
| key | Your assigned customer key for the Server Agent. The key can be via or by requesting a new from The key is unique per server and must not be used across multiple servers. |
| secret | Your assigned customer secret for the Server Agent. The secret can be retrieved via or by requesting a new from . The secret is bound to a key. |
| tmpfile | Path to a writable location where the Server Agent can store it's temporary file. This file contains the data that is sent to the nimbusec API to analysis and will not get deleted after, but overwritten with each run. Each domain counts as a separate run. This enables you to inspect the data we send to our API.|
| domains | A key value map of domain names and corresponding document roots. The domain name must match the domain name in the portal, else the upload will fail with a access denied message. The document root is the root directory which should be scanned. On Windows the backslashes must be escaped. You can also use forward slashes on Windows. |
| excludeDir | A list of directories which should be skipped. The directories must be absolute file paths. Neither baseline nor webshell analysis will be performed inside these directories! |
| excludeRegexp | A list of regular expressions. If a regular expression matches a file path, the file will be ignored. Be very sure to make the regular expression as strict as possible. The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the same general syntax used by Perl, Python, and other languages. More precisely, it is the syntax accepted by RE2 and described at , except for \C. Neither baseline nor webshell analysis will be performed inside these files! |
| includeDir | A list of directories which should be included. The directories must be absolute file paths. If this list contains entries, only directories, that begin with the specified values will be regarded for baseline and webshell analysis. All other directories will be disregarded. E.g. document root is /var/www, if /var/www/a is specified /var/www/a files and directories below will be analysed while everything else below /var/www will be ignored. |
| includeRegexp | A list of regular expressions. If a regular expression matches a file path, the file will be anylsed. Be very sure to make the regular expression as strict as possible. The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the same general syntax used by Perl, Python, and other languages. More precisely, it is the syntax accepted by RE2 and described at , except for \C. Neither baseline nor webshell analysis will be performed inside these files! |
| apiserver | The url of our API server. Only change this if told you by the nimbusec support! |

## Command Line Options

The agent can be run with the following parameters: (_Not all options are available in all versions of the agent_)

| Parameter | Version | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| -h | * | Displays help and exits. |
| -config string | * | Configuration file for nimbusec agent (default "agent.conf") |
| -follow-symlinks _TRUE_ / _FALSE_ | * | Toggle following symlinks (default true) |
| -maxprocs int | * | Maximum number of processes used (default 2) |
| -v | 11 | Displays the version and exits. |
| -yara | 11 | Enable YARA engine. |