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Compliance Monitoring Issues

General Information

In the world of website compliance, a lot of differnt compliance violotions can occour. Therefore we decided to make a clear separation of those violations and introduced different violation categories:

  • Regulatory Violations
  • Business Violations

Each category includes different types of violations that will be described in the corresponding section. The main differences are that regulatory violatens based on GDPR context prescribed by law and business violations based on custom rules that can be individually defined to meet each customers individual requiremnts.

Regulatory Violations

This category includes all detected problems that relates to the acutal GDPR context prescribed by law. The following types can be detected by the Nimbusec compliance monitor in the context of regulatory violations:

In the Nimbusec Compliance Monitor, this violation type can be seen in the compliance view of an asset:

By clicking on the "Details" button, all detected cookies can be seen.

Complaince View

In more detail, the Nimbusec compliance scan saves the following data:

Description of the fields:
NameName of the detected Cookie
DomainDomain name where the described cookie was found
SecureThe Secure flag is an option that can be set by the server when sending a new cookie to the user in an HTTP response. The purpose is to prevent cookies from being observed by unauthorized parties due to sending the cookie in clear text.
HttpOnlyThe HttpOnly flag is an additional security option for cookies. If this flag is set, the browser does not display the cookie through client-side scripts.
LifeTimeThis parameter shows the validity of a cookie.
SameSiteThe SameSite attribute shows if this cookie is restricted to a first-party or same-site context.
ThirdPartyThis attribute shows if this cookie was distributed from the own web ressource or from an external one. (domain name matching)
InServerResponseIf the value of this attribute is true, this cookie was directly send from the server. If this value is false, the cookie was created and distributed via a JavaScript context.

By clicking on the "Details" button in the compliance view, all detected cookies can be seen.

Form issues

Complaince View

Complaince View

  • Form: Form-Sensitive As mentioned above, the Nimbusec Complaince Scan checks all availabe input forms that handles sensitive data. If we detect such forms, a Form-Sensitive event will be triggered. This should help the users to identify those forms and may handle them in a different way.

Complaince View

  • Form: External-Transmit This type of violation gets triggerd if form data will be send to an external processor (e.g. to an external company that may performs user analytics tasks)

Complaince View

  • Imprint Policy: The presence of an imprint is a mandaroty regulation in GDPR. Our imprint policy checks the presence of an imprint link on the corresponding website. To detect it, we use predefined search patterns and apply them on the websites source code.

By clicking on the "Details" button in the compliance view, all detected cookies can be seen.Complaince View

Complaince View

  • Privacy Policy: The presence of a privacy statement is a mandaroty regulation in GDPR. Our privacy policy checks the presence of a privacy statement link on the corresponding website. To detect it, we use predefined search patterns and apply them on the websites source code.

Complaince View

Tracker Check

  • Tracker: From our point of view, a tracker is any kind of software that collects or transmits data to an external ressource. Therefore, our Nimbusec Compliance Scan analyses the whole network traffic that is active during our simulated website user visits the site. From the GDPR point of view, before the user accepts the defined privacy policy, any kind of data collection or data transmission to third party systems is a violation against the given law.